Painted Functional Ram Air Hoods

Painted Functional Ram Air Hoods

 Superior Hoods:

Are Painted Ram Air Hoods are made with a process called Vacuum Infusion with a closed molding process, consisting of a male mold and a female mold. We also use better resin called Vinylester Resin. With this process, all air is vacuumed out of the mold and the resin is pulled through the mold cavity and through the infusion matt fiberglass. As this occurs, all air and air bubbles are drawn out of the mold, leaving no voids that later expand called soft spots. As the part is drawing the resin in, it also compresses the mold, producing a very uniform and consistent part in thickness.

Our competitors make their hoods using a single-sided mold with inexpensive polyester resin and cheap fiberglass. They roll out the air bubbles with paint rollers by hand. This method makes for many air voids and uneven thickness, which leads to blisters or bubbles under the paint and warping as the part is exposed to the elements over time.

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